恭喜六信班李蔚凝同學、六信班梁蔚信同學、六望班黃俊錫同學、六望潘梓駿同學於早前 Rummikub聯校小學邀請賽中,擊敗數十間學校,晉身全港決賽。今日再下一城,於決賽中獲得團體優異獎🏆👏🏻
Congratulations 🎊🎊to our Primary Six student, Cheung Hiu Laam🥰🥰, for receiving the Superior Award in the 4th Hong Kong School Chinese and English Handwriting Competition, showcasing not just skill, but the beauty of art in every stroke. Keep inspiring us with your beautiful writing🤩🤩!
We explored the legendary story of Nian in the spirit of Chinese New Year Our little artists crafted beautiful red lanterns! 🏮✨ They followed a fun English procedural text that guided them step-by-step. But that’s not all! We also made colourful Nian masks and learned about the tradition of firecrackers! 🎆 These noisy explosions are meant to chase away evil spirits and bring in good luck!
本校獲i-Cable HOY TV邀請,到校拍攝智慧校園特輯,校長、體育老師、體藝大使及校隊同學代表參與是次訪問與拍攝,為全港觀眾介紹剛落成的學校數碼運動場。內存各式各樣富趣味性的體育活動,如:電競單車、電子劍擊訓練系統等。我們鼓勵同學於小息時段多做運動,宣揚健康校園生活的訊息。
恭喜禾信Steam Creator 成員5信陳祇樹、陳苑博、黃言信及李臻皓於「胡忠中學-人工遙控智能車比賽」中,在直線競速賽項目得到冠軍🏆及最佳設計獎季軍🥉同學在比賽中都表現出色,值得讚賞👍🏻
恭喜禾信現代舞隊 🎊🎉👏🏻越級挑戰成功
《端午節 划龍舟》
小學高年級組當代舞 甲級奬
2L鄭浠桐 2L胡詠桐3F何德懿 3F劉珞瑤3F莫棹嵐 3H朱澄琳3H石穎喬 3H周琬雲3L陳紀彤 3L李沛穎3D吳倩童 4F劉曉佟4F龐詠芝 4H周馨萓4H鄺芷晴 4H孫一晨4L何紫琪 4L郭紫瑤4D葉思彤 4D邱雨希6F李蔚凝
**英語大使及尖子培訓計劃成員 探索M+博物館的藝術世界!**
Yesterday, our children embarked on an inspiring journey at the M+ Museum, where they delved into the fascinating realms of art and form. They learned how life presents itself through diverse perspectives, opening their minds to new interpretations.With a remarkable command of English, our students listened attentively and engaged thoughtfully, exceeding all expectations! Their creativity and imagination truly shone, leaving us in awe of their artistic expressions.Join us in celebrating this incredible experience and nurturing the next generation of creative thinkers! 🌈✨
Teacher Luke
日 期:2025年1月13日至15日(星期一至三)地 點:西貢戶外康樂中心